Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Run

I like to run on Halloween night. It is the best time to run. I don't have to buy candy, and I still get to see the costumes! I have a costume, too ~ I go out disguised as a runner. I don't think I fooled anyone, though.

This is the third year for my annual Halloween run. It was disappointing. I thought, with the weather a little warmer than usual, I'd see more kids, and the costumes wouldn't be covered up with jackets. But I really didn't see very many kids this year. Maybe greed is down, with the stock market and all.

With my right leg still bothering me, I decided to slow jog/walk in intervals of 1:1, as Galloway suggest for runners with slight injuries. The leg continued to be a problem. It was not limp-worthy, but enough to make the run unenjoyable.

I will go to the running store tomorrow, and see if they can help me. I do think it is totally a stride problem. I probably need new arches, but I might need new shoes as well. It's time to buy the next pair anyway ~ I like to have two pairs to alternate, and right now, I only have one.

Slow run/walk ~ 4 miles
Walk breaks ~ every other minute
Weather ~ mid-60s
Took about 55 minutes (slow!!)
Halfway listened to: Genesis, Platinum, Disc 2

I will do RICE tonight and tomorrow, and see if that helps.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday, October 30

I took the bus to work (5 miles) and ran home after work. It was a little hard because I forgot to eat lunch (but I had a late breakfast.) Mile 2 was uphill, and so was a good part of mile 5, but mostly it was up and down, with a net decline, I think.

Weather: about 70 degrees, a bit windy (20mph from the south). Ran into the wind.
Started about 4 pm.
It took 58 1/2 minutes.
I took a walk break in the middle of each mile, 0.05 m.
Listened to: Genesis, Platinum, vol. 1

I had not run since the weekend, but I had good excuses. It's been busy, I had a horrible day Tuesday, and very heavy TOM. Also, in my last two runs, I've noticed my right leg getting a little sore along the side of the calf, and limping the next day. I figured out that my arch support needed replacing. I use the cheap over-the-counter Dr. Scholl's with the plastic inserts you put in for more firmness ~ I replaced the right one before the run, and the leg is not as sore.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekly Update on Strength Training

Since September 1, I have been doing crunches every day. (Well, while I was on the marathon-brain surgery trip, I slacked off a little. For about a week.)

Each week, I added five crunches (or sit-ups) ~ Now I am up to 50. I do them on the exercise ball.

I've also been doing tricep curls two or three times a week. I'm doing 20 of them with a 10 lb dumbbell.

This week, I will add more crunches and some more strength training exercises. For a long time I wasn't doing any, so I decided to start with just these two. I'm glad I've kept it up for two months! It's better than nothing, and I can gradually add more.

Sunday, October 26

Ran 10 miles. (Actually, it was 9.7, but I'm rounding up, because I ran the last half mile carrying 2 bags of groceries, and I usually round down.)

Started at 5:10 pm. Time: about 2 hours. (Stopped timer to go into grocery store).

Weather: about 50 degrees, very windy (30 mph from the north)

I wished at times I had worn sleeves. I had a jacket, but most of the time did not wear it. I hate wearing anything on my arms when it's above freezing! But the wind did bite.

Walk breaks: 0.05 mi every half mile. (Miles 7-9, no walk breaks)

Listened to: (1st half) bluegrass instrumental music; (2nd half) Electric Light Orchestra

I was very tired throughout the run, due to lack of sleep and a big day, so the whole run was a slow jog. Some of the terrain was cross-country.

I have always heard about Body Glide, but I found out that it is not that great. I had a free sample from a recent marathon. I've always gotten along great with a Ziploc baggy of Vaseline in my pouch. It's cheaper, comes in less packaging, and does not break off in solid clumps. Works better, too! I'll just stay with that.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday, October 25

Ran 6 miles.
Weather: low to mid 60s, sunny
1/10 mile walk break each mile
Time: just under 1 hour 10 min.
Listened to 16th century choral music (Palestrina, etc.)

1st mile: calves felt tight. It went away after the 1st walk break.
It's so nice now that the weather is cool enough to run in the middle of the day like this.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I've Decided to Keep an Online Running Journal

I've been keeping track of my running in a Word document, but I think it will be more motivating to keep an online running journal. No one will probably read it, but just the thought that someone might read it, and know whether or not I am being lazy might make the difference between running and not running. We will see.

I am not going to try to make this blog interesting in any way. It is simply a running journal. I might also talk about my strength training and eating habits ~ anything that has to do with getting me ready for my big 5k (March 4, 2062.)

Anyway, since the Chicago Marathon on the 12th, and my 5k with Eddie a week later, I had not run until tonight. I put it off. I had four runs scheduled this week ~ 4, 6, 4, and 8 miles, and I waited until Thursday. That means I will have to run 4 days in a row, if I do all four runs this week.

So tonight I did 4 miles in about 44 1/2 minutes. The weather has been cold all day. It says 50 degrees, but it seems colder than that. I've been feeling cold all day.

But it never fails ~ by the first half mile, I am peeling off layers of clothes. 5o degrees is really perfect running weather, once you get started.

I started running at 6:20, so it was pretty dark out. I have a regular 4-mile loop that I do, but when it has been raining, I do an out-and-back, because the second half of the loop will have deep puddles.