Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday, November 2

I went to the Running Store to see if they could fix my problem.

I have a really wacky stride. My right leg is shorter than my left, and my right foot is larger. I have a slight curvature in my spine, and I overpronate like crazy. The first time they analyzed my stride, the guy laughed at me. He said "you're all over the place." I have to have the right shoes, or I have problems ~ I've had a stress fracture and arthritis, and having shoes that are not just right has been a contributing factor.

It's amazing how suddenly the shoes give out, too! They can be fine one run, and the next run, I have trouble.

The shoes may be shot, but also, the Dr. Scholl's arch supports I was wearing were not adequate. He said they were more cushion than support. He recommended I go with the orthotics they sell over the counter for about $50. It's a good compromise between the cheap-o ones I've been using and the $200 custom-made ones. (I've been trying to avoid going there. I wouldn't mind if it were a one-time puchase, but I don't want to have to keep paying $200 over and over again. Running is not supposed to be an expensive hobby.) I will have to replace these about every 8 months.

So tonight I tried out the new shoes and orthotics. Bingo! I could tell a huge difference, even in the first mile! There was still a dull ache, but I felt that it was from the previous runs. By mile 3, it was more pronounced, but nothing like it was in the last run.

I was supposed to run 12 miles, but I decided to play it safe and just run 8. I think it was a good move. I was doing fine, and could've survived a marathon, but it's the kind of thing that I think will go away, with a little rest. I did some decent hills, and at times my pace was faster than my average, even while going up the hills. It was as good a run as I've had in a long time!

8 miles, starting at 4:30 pm.
Time: about 1 hour 40 minutes
Walk breaks: 1st two and last three miles: 0.10 mi. walk each mile. For the middle miles, 0.05 mi. every half mile.
Listened to: Genesis Platinum, disc 3
Weather: upper 60s

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