Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday, November 26

I spoke too soon ~ a couple of hours after my last run, my right leg was in screaming pain.

This is very worrisome, in view of the fact that I have a marathon this Saturday.

I am putting all my hope on this strategy: I put two orthotics in my right shoe ~ the new Dr. Scholls on top of the more expensive new one.

I took it out on a 2 mile slow jog this evening, and am encouraged. It wasn't totally normal, but I didn't have the screaming pain afterwards. I did RICE as soon as I got home.

I know it is caused by pronation. My arch must be collapsing, and so my whole leg twists inward with every step.

My strategy for the marathon on Saturday is that I will do 1:1 run/walk intervals, wearing both orthotics. I hope that works.

7:20pm, ran 2 miles, moderately hilly, slow jog. Temp was in the 40s and dry.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday, November 23

I am a runner again. I hadn't run since November 7, so that was more than two weeks off. I don't think I have done that in the three years I've been a runner, except maybe when I was sick.

I wasn't feeling guilty about it or anything, and I wasn't panicking, even though I have a marathon next week. I was just noticing it, and wondering what it meant.

I think I was discouraged, because of the problems I'd been having with my right leg. When I got the expensive new orthotics, they weren't an instant fix, and that worried me. I wondered if I should plan on using them with a marathon coming up so quickly, or if that would even be wise? I think the uncertainty about that was keeping me from running.

Then my best friend told me that she was having trouble with non-running, too. She had been having this problem for quite some time. So we decided that this weekend, we would run together. We live 20 miles apart, so she had to drive up north a ways. (Next time, I will drive down south.)

I decided to get a new pair of the cheap Dr. Scholls orthotics, and use those until after this marathon next week, because that is what my feet are more used to. Then after the marathon ~ well, maybe after the one after that (two weeks later!) ~ I'll start getting my legs used to the new, expensive orthotics.

My friend is a much faster runner than I am, but she had not run since spring. She said she doubted she could go more than three miles (but I doubted her doubting). She likes hills, so I picked the hilliest short route in my neighborhood (at least, the one I perceive to be the hilliest.)

In the first quarter mile, I could tell that staying together would mean a very fast run for me and/or a very slow run for her. Nevertheless, we stayed together for the most part!

We did an out-and-back 4.4 miles (an extra 0.2 for my friend, because she ran ahead a bit at the turnaround point.) It took 48 1/2 minutes. That is a pretty fast pace for me, when you consider the hills. That would be about a 34-minute 5k, and if I did that well on a hilly course like that, I'd be very happy with the time. The weather was clear, a little breezy, and in the fifties.

I feel so good, having run. Sometimes, it is probably good to get away from running, so that when you start up again, you appreciate how good it feels!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday, November 7

Finally, I ran. Sometimes it is hard to know if I am making excuses, or if I really have good reasons not to run.

Yesterday, I had the beginning of a sore throat, and was feeling tired and hungry all day. I drank Emergen-C all day, and sucked on losenges with vitamin C. I still intended to run. But the wind was blowing, and it was cold out. My right leg was feeling better, but I still felt a little soreness. I wondered if it would be wise to break the new shoes & orthotics in slowly, and skip the run.

I ended up going to the Mexican restaurant for a big, fat comfort-meal and a beer. I felt the sore throat go away during the meal. I don't know what it is, but American Mexican food at an affordable price is a cure for many ills. It is not that it is health food. But it's soft and mushy, and just enough spicy.

I read about running, in Marathon & Beyond magazine.

Then I went home and slept for 10 hours. I'm better now.

So today, I had only one student (a make-up lesson because of the funeral Wednesday). I rode the bus to the college, and ran home.

I did not take my Garmin, so I don't know precisely how far it was, but I do know it is a little over 5 miles. It took me 58 minutes.

Weather: forties, mostly sunny, blustery winds.
Listened to: nothing but my own thoughts.
Terrain: mostly paved shoulder of a state highway road.

The first mile, I felt a lot of impact in my legs, but it was both legs pretty much equally. By the end of the run, I felt it more in my right than my left, but not an alarming difference. I'm not trying to justify my excuse-making for not running yesterday (or maybe I am), but I think it was good I took some days off.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Weekly Summary

Sit-ups (on the ball) ~ 55, every day this week. I will raise it to 60 per day.

Bicep curls, 10# ~ 2x15. This weight was about my limit. Did twice (W & F)

Tricep curls, 10# ~ 2x15. This weight was not challenging. Did twice (W & F) I may switch to tricep dips.

I'll add one more exercise this week ~ haven't decided what.

Running Summary: 17 miles
Thursday ~ 5
Friday ~ 4
Sunday ~ 8

Sunday, November 2

I went to the Running Store to see if they could fix my problem.

I have a really wacky stride. My right leg is shorter than my left, and my right foot is larger. I have a slight curvature in my spine, and I overpronate like crazy. The first time they analyzed my stride, the guy laughed at me. He said "you're all over the place." I have to have the right shoes, or I have problems ~ I've had a stress fracture and arthritis, and having shoes that are not just right has been a contributing factor.

It's amazing how suddenly the shoes give out, too! They can be fine one run, and the next run, I have trouble.

The shoes may be shot, but also, the Dr. Scholl's arch supports I was wearing were not adequate. He said they were more cushion than support. He recommended I go with the orthotics they sell over the counter for about $50. It's a good compromise between the cheap-o ones I've been using and the $200 custom-made ones. (I've been trying to avoid going there. I wouldn't mind if it were a one-time puchase, but I don't want to have to keep paying $200 over and over again. Running is not supposed to be an expensive hobby.) I will have to replace these about every 8 months.

So tonight I tried out the new shoes and orthotics. Bingo! I could tell a huge difference, even in the first mile! There was still a dull ache, but I felt that it was from the previous runs. By mile 3, it was more pronounced, but nothing like it was in the last run.

I was supposed to run 12 miles, but I decided to play it safe and just run 8. I think it was a good move. I was doing fine, and could've survived a marathon, but it's the kind of thing that I think will go away, with a little rest. I did some decent hills, and at times my pace was faster than my average, even while going up the hills. It was as good a run as I've had in a long time!

8 miles, starting at 4:30 pm.
Time: about 1 hour 40 minutes
Walk breaks: 1st two and last three miles: 0.10 mi. walk each mile. For the middle miles, 0.05 mi. every half mile.
Listened to: Genesis Platinum, disc 3
Weather: upper 60s